The Truth about Music, Movies, Nightlife, and anything else related to entertaining your senses.

Friday, December 22, 2006


The Beatles—LOVE

Originally I thought that perhaps this new compilation of Beatles songs was likely a rip off. Many times bands have repackaged their music just to sell the same thing once again to their fans. I am life long fan of The Beatles (it runs in my family--in the 60s my grandfather once waited in line for 10 hours to get tickets when they played in Toronto.) But I digress…once I listened to the album I changed my mind. The songs are remixed and packaged in a new way by George and Giles Martin. I think for any Beatles lover this album is a great new way to hear some of their classics. I think my favourite would have to be the new Strawberry fields forever. These remixes would be a great fun gift for any Beatles lover. --J.J. Miller

Wednesday, December 06, 2006



I will admit that I watched American Idol last season and was one of the millions of people who were shocked that Chris Daughtry was voted off when he was. I loved his voice, his look and the way he arranged his songs. However, I did not expect much from him after the show. There have been many artists to appear for their 15 minutes of fame on that show, never to be heard from again. I was surprised with this album—it is great. Many of the songs would sound great on a mix tape with Bon Jovi and Lifehouse. Lyrically he is reminiscent of Bryan Adams, leaning towards heartbreak and romance, but he has much more of an edge. My votes for two “of note” songs on this album are “What I want” featuring Slash. Also “Home” which he wrote. More of a ballad than the first one, but I really enjoyed it. I would say that this is the best effort seen from any American Idol contestant since Kelly Clarkson. He will do well with this one.
--J.J. Miller